School of Biological and Life Sciences (SBLS)
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology (FAST)
Applied and Technical Biology (DATB) Biochemistry and Biotechnology (DBB) Food Science and Technology (DFST) Ecology and Conservational Biology
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As the detrimental effects of synthetic pesticides on ecosystems and human health grow more and more clear, the initiative to create a bio-pesticide from garlic extract was born out of the urgent need to find safer and more natural alternatives to chemical pesticides. An extensive investigation was carried out on the extraction of active components from garlic and their subsequent formulation into a strong bio-pesticide in order to address this problem. The Formulation was perfected for optimum pesticide action after careful experimentation. To evaluate its effectiveness in pest management, rigorous field tests and controlled studies were carried out. The results showed that it was capable of successfully battling pests while being ecologically friendly and providing little damage to non-target creatures. The creation of this bio-pesticide made from garlic is a big step towards sustainable farming and Offers a viable method for safer insect control in agricultural practices.

  • SBLS Admin
  • October 2, 2023, 11:38 am